Here at Stand Up Survivor we meet the survivor where they are--whether they're still in the relationship or have been safe for years--and we journey with them to where they want to be. As an organization founded and staffed by survivors, we understand the importance of building a relationship with the survivor and letting them control the pace and journey that they take to heal.
Because each survivor's journey is unique, we offer a variety of services, such as:
Lethality assessment
Counseling (one-on-one)
Small group therapy (English, Spanish, and Portuguese)
Healing retreats
One-day Survivor Sister Conference
Referrals for services
STEP Program (resumes, job applications, job searches, education planning)
Safety planning
Freedom Bags (a duffel with two weeks of essentials)
Toiletry kits
A hopeline (9AM-6PM) in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
An opportunity to share their story via Warrior of the Week
Ambassadors located throughout the US
Are you a survivor we've helped? Tell us what that support meant to you here.